Eye Screening
Eye screening missions
People screened
Eye glasses provided
Patients referred for eye surgery
An HFA staff changes the lens on a pair of eye testing glasses worn by a villager.
An HFA staff sits beside a monk wearing eye testing glasses, testing his vision with an E-chart.
An HFA staff points to the E-chart, indicating which row the boy is to read for his vision test.
An HFA staff changes the lens on a pair of eye testing glasses worn by a villager.
With most ophthalmological clinics located in urban areas in Myanmar, eye clinics remain inaccessible for a large proportion of the population. When they do live close to eye clinics, the high cost of eyeglasses and screening fees keep individuals away.
Visual impairment and poor eye sight have a negative social, emotional and economic affect on individuals and their families. Adults often face limitations in everyday and economic activities, while children’s ability to study and play is affected. Families are also affected, with the visually impaired person requiring a constant care taker who then cannot work or attend school if they are children.
HFA works with sister organisation Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF) to provide disadvantaged communities in Myanmar with access to free vision tests. During an eye screening mission, HFA staff complete vision tests and screen for common eye conditions such as cataracts and pterygium. A free pair of eyeglasses are provided when needed and patients who need surgical treatment are referred to nearby free eye clinics and hospitals. If free eye surgery is not available nearby, or if the patient has been diagnosed with a complex eye condition, they will be referred to BCMF for treatment in Thailand.